Coping with Post-Holiday Blues: Managing Depression and Mood Changes

Coping with Post-Holiday Blues: Managing Depression and Mood Changes | Spencer Health

By Shannon Lopez, Clinical Psychologist Whilst Christmas and the holidays represent a festive time of year to connect with family and friends, and are usually fun and enjoyable, this time of year can certainly be exhausting. The aftermath of large or significant events can often leave people feeling drained, low, anxious or depressed, especially being … Read more

Don’t Let Unchecked Stress Slide into Anxiety or Depression

By: Clinical Psychologist, Emma Spencer FAPS It’s undeniable that we live in a fast-paced world where stress is a common experience for many people. It’s typical to experience some occasional stress in life. However, chronic and severe stress can lead to serious mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Understanding the connection between stress and … Read more